About Us
California revival R.R.R., Revival world wide
The mission is to go to the world to do the great commission: Mathew 28-19
The R.R.R. Revival
In 2017 July 17 took place the "Greatest revival of end times" at the State Capitol, Sacramento, California., The USA.
We came together following the specific directions of the Lord God Almighty, to celebrate a reunion in His name and obedience to His plan for this Great revival that was announced at Asuza street Revival 100 years ago.
The announcement was like this: 100 years from now, in northern California, will take place the "Greatest Revival of end times" this started in 2017, He called some people since 2009, and every year, different leaders tried to accomplish the directions required by the Lord of Lords one was to come in unity, and for different reasons and circumstances it was no completed 'til 2017.
We came together as one body, The Lord required us to invite different congregations from different cultures like "White" "African American" "Spanish" also From "Asia" "Native American" and more cultures.
We have done it, every congregation was represented at the State Capitol, Sacramento California, and we prayed together for the Lord to start revival from California as He planned
He said to us that "BECAUSE YOU CAME IN UNITY, I WILL DO THE REVIVAL FOR YOU" God required from us to REPENT every day, RECONCILE with him every day, and He will fill us with HIS HOLLY SPIRIT everyday (REVIVAL)
This revival is personal and continues every day, we recognize our sins and trespasses before the Lord, and in private, we REPENT (first R) We reconcile with the Lord, get in love with Him, (Second R) Then the presence of the Lord embraces us with his love and power, after this; Joy, happiness, peace, and healing come to us in a miraculous way, glory to God,
in the name of Jesus Christ.
Now we are making disciples to all nations as our Lord and Savior commanded us to do in Mathews 28:19-20 and this revival will continuum 'til the coming back of our Lord Jesus Christ